Zoe Kahn

CV | Google Scholar | zkahn@berkeley.edu


I am a seventh year PhD Candidate at the UC Berkeley School of Information co-advised by Jenna Burrell and Joshua Blumenstock, affiliated with the UC Berkeley Global Policy Lab, AI Policy Hub, and Algorithmic Fairness and Opacity Group (AFOG).

To inform the design of more responsible tech and tech policy, my research integrates the perspectives of people with lived expertise alongside people with domain expertise (e.g., data scientists, policymaker, privacy scholars). I use qualitative methods to understand the perspectives and experiences of impacted communities, and leverage storytelling to influence the design of technical systems and the policies that surround their use. In the process, I have developed new methods for participatory AI. I have conducted empirical studies in rural villages in Togo, rural ranching communities in the United States, among tech workers at large engineering organizations, and users on Twitter.

I received my B.A. summa cum laude in Sociology from NYU. Advised by Deirdre Royster and Ruth Horowitz, my undergrad thesis explored racial inequalities in the US criminal legal system.

Beyond academia, I worked at an acquired tech startup, plaintiff's employment law firm, and spent four summers interning at Microsoft where I helped develop a responsible AI maturity model, tooling to support red teaming, and worked on Copilot.

★ I am on the academic job market (for tenure track positions and postdocs) in 2024-2025!

Recent News (See all news)

New paper with Nitin Kohli on expertise accepted to social impact evaluations for genAI workshop at NeurIPS (2024).
I will participate in a workshop on Practicing Inclusivity in AI at CSCW (2024) in San José Costa Rica.
New paper on perspectives on privacy and mobile phone data in rural Togo accepted at CSCW (2025).
I will participate in a workshop at the Digital Technology and Sustainable Development Workshop at Oxford University.
I will participate in a public workshop at the White House on Participatory Algorithmic Design.

Publications and Working Papers

Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

Digital Social Protection and Social Cohesion: The Role of Human Intermediaries in Rural Togo.
Zoe Kahn.
Responsible AI Maturity Model.
Amy Heger, Samir Passi, Shipi Dhanorkar, Zoe Kahn, Ruotong Wang, and Mihaela Vorvoreanu.
Expanding Perspectives on Data Privacy: Insights from Rural Togo.
Zoe Kahn, Meybinesso Farida Carelle PERE, Emily Aiken, Nitin Kohli, and Joshua Blumenstock.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) (accepted).
A Sociocultural Explanation of Internet-Enabled Work in Rural Regions.
Zoe Kahn and Jenna Burrell.
TOCHI Special Issue on Rural Computing (2021).
When Users Control The Algorithms: Values Expressed in Practices on Twitter.
Jenna Burrell, Zoe Kahn, Anne Jonas, and Daniel Griffin.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) (2019).